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The Story of Study Anywhere

Study Anywhere 5

Once upon a time, there were three young people, Zuzu, Juraj and Peter, who quit their advertising careers and went travel the world.

You know that life scenario of a person in their late twenties. Having a well paid nine-to-five job, mortgage, nice car, and a decent vacation once a year. Definitely a comfortable lifestyle. But the late twenties will turn into the late thirties and before you realise, it could be just too complicated to even think about doing something else.

That’s why we quit our jobs in Europe and booked one-way tickets to Sydney. Despite we had our uni degrees already, we decided to go and study in Australia. To improve our English, learn something new, meet new people and enjoy one of the most amazing cities in the world. It was also a good option how to get our visa. We didn’t want to spend a fortune to study an university. Also, we didn’t want to spend all days sitting in a classroom (We need to admit, that time spent on the beach could be better).

Therefore, we started looking for a decent college. We were shocked by what we’ve found out: There’re around 300 schools for international students just in Sydney. Three hundreds! We gave up on Google search, we closed all school brochures with happy looking young people and slogans like “your future [whatever]…” and started asking people around and actual students for their feedback. Some of them were helpful, other ones turned out to be useless or biased.

We wished there was a cool website like AirBnB, Tripadvisor or Booking.com for international schools.And we wanted it so badly so we started actually building it. Please visit our beta version and feel free to give us a feedback.

If you can see yourself in our story, don’t be shy and send us a message on Facebook. It will encourage us on our journey with Study Anywhere and maybe we can help you with yours as well 😉

Study Anywhere might not be perfect yet, but we put a lot of energy to make it better for you, step by step.

Do you want to help us? Please rate your school or share our survey with friends who study in Australia.

Are you an international school in Australia and you’re not afraid of feedback from your students? Let us know and we’ll happily interview them and help you to reach the new right candidates.

Nelson Mandela said that “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world”. We just want to add that – “in order to change the world through education, we need to change the way how the world accesses the education”. That’s our vision for Study Anywhere: To make this place the first stop for everyone who wants to study abroad and make sure that you’ll feel at home anywhere you go, thanks to the community of Study Anywhere.


Zuzu, Peter, Juraj

Team Study Anywhere


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in Australia
for $5,360
per year

The price includes one year of tuition fees and Student visa assistance from a registered migration agent. Valid until February 28, 2025.