Home Explore 8 Australian Customs You Might Find Strange

8 Australian Customs You Might Find Strange

The article is written by Jane Churchill


Macca’s Run
This is perhaps the most famous tradition among young Australians. A ‘Macca’s Run’ is a late night ritual where a group of friends head to the nearest McDonalds drive thru (Macca’s). The tradition is so popular that Buzzfeed wrote an article about the 24 Different Ways to Do a Maccas Run.


Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
Every Australian has become obsessed with the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. Bunnings Warehouse is Australia’s most popular Hardware & Garden store and every weekend, all year round, a different local charity, club or organisation runs a sausage sizzle (a BBQ). In reality, it’s just a tent where they serve a sausage with a piece of white bread, grilled onions, tomato sauce and a can of soft drink (soda).


Schoolies is an annual event held on the Gold Coast that attracts year 12 graduates from across the country. It occurs the following week after high school graduation and is basically 7 days of celebrating, drinking and partying with no adult supervision. Many hotels close to the general public during this week to cater for the thousands of ‘schoolies’ in town.


Drinking Wine in a Bag, also known as, Goon
Goon is the slang term given to wine that comes in a shiny silver plastic bag, commonly known as a ‘Goon Sack.’ It is most popular among teenagers and university students due to its high alcohol percentage and low price. You can drink it straight from the bag and when it’s empty people will blow it up and use it as a pillow. True Story!


Wearing Thongs Everywhere
Thongs, known to non-Australians as ‘flip-flops,’ are a vital piece of the Australian wardrobe. Australians will wear thongs to a café, to the shopping centre or even to a party. There is a thong hierarchy here, with Havaianas being on the top. A pair of Havaianas can cost between $30.00 and $45.00.


Using Chicken salt instead of Regular Salt
Don’t be surprised if you are asked “Would you like regular salt or chicken salt” by a cashier when ordering hot chips. Chicken Salt was originally created for the purpose of seasoning chicken, however, now it is a staple food seasoning at any takeaway restaurant. It contains regular salt and a mixture of different spices and is bright yellow in colour.


Calling Ketchup ‘Tomato Sauce’
To the rest of the world, that sweet tomato flavoured condiment is known as Ketchup. But nope, not in Australia. Here, it is simply, “Tomato Sauce.” Ah, but what do you call the sauce that goes with pasta then? Pasta Sauce. Simple.


Adding Beetroot to Burgers
On the topic of food, don’t be surprised if you order a burger and it comes with a large slice of beetroot on it. Many Australians would not consider this to be bizarre, but apparently, the rest of the world does!


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