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The article is written by Rachel Ganczarczyk

Studying in the comfort of your own home can sometimes be a bit too comfortable and may lead to distractions and long periods of procrastination. Some days you just need a change of scenery to keep you inspired and focused on your studies. Luckily, we’ve thought of some ideal creative spaces for your next study session.


The quietness of a library can be the perfect setting for you to get into your zone and focus all your attention on studying. With minimal distractions and the presence of all things literature, you’re sure to be effective and efficient in learning.

It’s also good to know that most libraries offer free Wifi and quiet study areas.

Try visiting a state library in the city or searching within your local area to see if there is a public community library near you.


Art galleries and museums
While it may not be as quiet as a library, studying at a public state art gallery or museum can be an effective way to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll be inspired by the visual scenery as you immerse yourself in the cultural ambience. And don’t forget to have a quick gaze around and enjoy the displays while you’re there!

Some exhibitions and exclusive previews may require fees, but general entry to art galleries and museums are free. They also generally offer quiet lounge areas and some even feature cafes with seating.

You can visit one next time you’re in the city where most of them are located.


Studying outside in the sunshine and fresh air may just be exactly what you need to stay focused when studying. Being outside is scientifically proven to boost brain power, rejuvenate the body and enhance thinking. Whether you’re studying under a shady tree or sitting on a bench, your time outside can benefit both your mental health and study progress.

Parks in Australia are free, and if you plan on visiting one remember to stay hydrated with water and to always wear sunscreen!


Coffee shop
Why not tuck yourself away, grab a coffee and study in your favourite brunch spot or local coffee shop? With snacks and drinks on standby to keep you going, a buzzing coffee shop can be an ideal study spot for those who think and study aloud.

In Australia, it is polite to purchase something at the store before you sit down as a customer.

If the chitter-chatter of other customers bothers you, bring your earphones and good tunes to zone out from any distractions.

If you are new to Australia or you want to stay here longer, Study Anywhere is here for you to help.  Feel free to send us a message on Facebook or via our contact page.


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The article is written by Paige Murphy
The cover photo by Rob Bye 

Studying isn’t always easy… I’m definitely guilty of procrastinating! With the semester nearing an end, exam time is coming up. Everyone works differently and has a different studying style – it’s about finding what works best for you (although we don’t recommend cramming at the last minute!). Here are a few tips though that can help everyone to be a little more efficient when it comes to study time.

1. List, prioritise and plan

Create a list of everything that you need to get done. Then prioritise each task and allocate it a specified time – just like if you were sitting an exam. Put all of this into a schedule and make sure you’re realistic about the times you have set yourself. Give yourself plenty of time to complete anything that needs to alleviate any unnecessary stress. A little bit of organisation can go a long way!


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

2. Maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet

It’s very easy to snack on chocolate and chips and all sorts of junk food. Eating these foods is actually counter-productive to your studying though, impacting on your energy and concentration levels. Instead, stick to foods like fish, nuts, blueberries and other fresh fruit and vegetables. These will help to keep your energy levels up and have been proven to aid in concentration and memory. Sugar and high levels of caffeine might be a quick fix but can see you crash out quicker, so swap your coffee out for green tea (at least you’ll get other nutritional benefits along the way) and stay away from soft drinks – stick to good all H20.

healthy diet

Photo by Cecilia Par on Unsplash

3. Keep up-to-date notes throughout the semester

Okay, so the semester is well past the half-way mark but there is no time like the present to get on top of your notes (and you can learn for next semester!). Allocate some time each week to take notes on that week’s topics for each of your classes. That way, come exam time things won’t feel so stressful and all you will have to do is re-read over them all instead of worrying about what was taught in week 3 that you have completely forgotten about.


Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

4. Organise your study space and keep free from distractions

It’s so easy to become distracted by the littlest things when you need to study. All of a sudden you could be doing anything, anywhere and it all seems so much more important than what you really need to do. Find a space that you would like to study – make sure it is neat and organised (so you don’t procrastinate by cleaning constantly) and somewhere that will be distraction-free. Turn your phone off or put it into flight mode so you won’t be distracted by notifications popping up, and make sure you won’t be disturbed by others.


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

5. Take regular breaks and get plenty of rest!

Studying for long hours without giving your brain a rest isn’t actually beneficial. You’re better off working in shorter, sharper bursts to be more efficient. Set yourself a time to complete each task and take breaks in between. Go for a walk around the block or take your meal times in these breaks to keep your energy and concentration levels up. Make sure you’re also getting the right amount of sleep. It’s easy to find yourself up at all hours during exam and assessment periods but if you’re not sleeping, your efficiency levels go down. By following the above steps though, you should have plenty of time to rest!


Photo by Krista Mangulsone on Unsplash

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The article is written by Loren Howarth

It’s always a struggle to find motivation after a relaxing holiday. Whether you escaped to the beach or enjoyed some downtime at home, studying was probably the last thing on your mind.

But with the festivities officially over, it’s time to start getting ready for the year ahead. Here are our top 5 ways to kick laziness to the curb and achieve all your goals.


Get organised 

An organisation is a key to regaining motivation after a long break. This can include buying new equipment for your studies (who doesn’t love stationery?!), planning out a new routine, or checking out what’s happening at your institution. By doing this, not only will you be prepared for the year ahead, but you’ll also start looking forward to any exciting projects which you didn’t know about before. Getting a diary is a good place to start!


Create goals and then rewards for completing them 

Sometimes it can be daunting going into another year after having such a long time off studying. The best way to combat this? Create goals for yourself. By doing this you’ll have a game plan and feel eager to complete them. But that’s not all! Don’t forget to also plan rewards for completing any goals you achieve. For example, schedule a fun day out with friends after submitting a big assignment. This will make you more motivated to get back into the swing of things.


Check out your classes for the year 

One of the best things about starting a year of study is the new classes you’ll be able to take. There are usually so many interesting electives to choose from and often the choice can be overwhelming! But by looking into what you’ll be learning for the year, this can make all the difference in being motivated to learn.


Watch motivational videos 

You’ve probably had someone tell you to watch motivational videos before, but they really do work. If you finding yourself lacking the enthusiasm to begin your studies for the year, watching a couple of this videos will really leave you feeling inspired and eager to gain new knowledge. They will want to make you take over the world!


Catch up with your study group 

We’re not going to lie – getting back into study mode can suck. But having a great support group can really make you motivated to want to learn again. This is a great opportunity to talk about all your goals for the year, any worries, and even to help pick electives. After this chat, you’ll feel more prepared and ready to conquer your studies!

Best of luck for 2018!


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The article is written by Loren Howarth

Trying to keep on top of your studies, having a social life, and exploring Australia can be difficult. Although maintaining good grades is important, it is also essential that you have time doing your favourite things and hanging out with friends. Finding this balance can seem daunting, but don’t worry we have you covered with our top tips to have the best of both worlds.


Plan a weekly schedule 

Leaving assessments to the last minute creates unnecessary stress. Instead, create a weekly schedule so you can plan what assessments you need to do. You’ll be able to see how much time is required for each task, also allowing you time to consider what can be left until a later date. This will help you organise your social life as well, as you will be able to work out when you are free to hang out with friends.


Know your limits 

Sometimes trying to balance study and a social life can become a bit tricky, and seem completely overwhelming. This is when you need to look at everything you have planned and see where you can cut back, to ensure you don’t overwork yourself. This can be as simple as taking some breaks during a study or having a night off from doing assessments to go out and have fun with friends. It will ensure you come back refreshed for study with a clear mind, as well as having the social life you deserve.


Eat at home, but not alone 

When you catch up with friends, you don’t have to go out to a cafe and spend money on an unforgettable meal. Instead, why not invite some friends or people in your course over for some lunch? This way you will be fitting in some social time and you can also help each other study. Plus, you’ll have much more fun trying to put a meal together!


Do one thing every day 

For some students, just the thought of studying can send them into a wave of procrastination. Instead, break up your workload into smaller chunks and do bit by bit each day. This is also useful to do if you are struggling to stay on top of your studies. This will also help you to maintain your social life, as you can dedicate time to hanging out with friends. Your list might look something like this:

  • social: catch up with Samantha
  • studies: read one chapter of a textbook
  • studies: write down notes from a reading for another subject
  • relaxation: watch an episode of a favourite tv show
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