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4 things you should take care of when you arrive in Australia

Your life in Australia is starting…NOW

Finally, the time’s come and you are moving to Australia. All the documentation and visa is set up, you’ve just landed  in the new land. You feel all excited for the new life you are going to have, maybe tired and jet lagged after the long flight. And here we go, your new life is starting RIGHT NOW.

What are the first steps you should take? Where to start? What will you need to take care of in terms of documentation?

We recommend you to start as soon as possible to save you some troubles. Here is a little checklist of the things you should think of:

aussie sim
Get an Australian SIM card
To get your Australian phone number is one of the first things you should do. As you start filling up all the documentation and registering your accounts, bills,..everywhere you will be asked for your phone number. There are many mobile operators, it’s good to do some research and compare the offers of different companies to choose the right one for your needs. You will most likely need to go to the nearest shopping area and there will be plenty options to choose from.HEALth insurance
Health Insurance
As you are living in Australia, you have to have an access to your health insurance – Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) . Before you have had booked your trip and set up everything, one of the conditions is that you need to have your student health insurance registered before you go. There are several health insurance companies, but their requirements are pretty much the same. Once you arrive in Australia, you need to register for your  and ask for your OSHC card.

This card can save you some money if you need to see a doctor or something happens to you.
Australian Tax File Number

One of the things you will need to register for is your Tax File Number (TFN). This let you to work legally and all your employers will ask you to have this number. With this number you will be recognized as an Australian resident who can work in Australia – but be aware – students are permitted to work 40 hours per 2 weeks. And at the end of the each financial year, you can lodge your tax return (that’s the happy time for those who work on the contract and their employers pay the taxes for them).


Open a Bank Account

It’s part of the new life in any country you want to live a proper life. Opening a bank account is an important step for being legitimate to get paid at work, pay your bills, accommodation and so much more.

Well, there are always some things you need to take care of when you arrive in Australia, but that’s how it is. Don’t be scared of it, the sooner you do it, the quicker you can enjoy the benefits of the life in Aussie land.

Good luck with everything and for those ones who’s just arrived we wish you smooth transfer from your country to Australia!

Do need any help or you have any questions we are here to help you. Please, feel free to contact us












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in Australia
for $5,360
per year

The price includes one year of tuition fees and Student visa assistance from a registered migration agent. Valid until February 28, 2025.